What's new
尊敬的TVCBOT用戶, TVCBOT 現已支持 Binance 統一賬戶交易所合约與現貨連接tradingview自動交易,您可以通过Biance创建 API 接入TVCBOT后即可使用Binance統一賬戶。如果在使用過程中發現問題,可以通過網站幫助�...
尊敬的TVCBOT用戶, 很高兴的通知大家,为了支持TVCBOT与OKX用户的量化事业,TVCBOT联合OKX推出适用于所有TVCBOT用户的API接入奖励活动! 活动内容:活动时间内,进入活动页面,并点击“立即参与”,...
Dear TVCBOT users, TVCBOT now supports GATE.IO exchange contract trading. You can create a V4 API through GATE and access TVCBOT to use it. If you find problems during use, you can contact us through "Submit a new work order" in the website help center. TVCBOT...
Dear TVCBOT users, TVCBOT now supports Binance order placement. You can create an exclusive order placement API in the Binance order leader personal center, then access it to TVCBOT, and then place contract orders through TVCBOT. TVCBOT will proceed in Binance base...